Are you concerned about the increasing costs of electricity and the use of the electric grid?

The solution is smart connection with the "SG Connect" network.

Smart connection with the electric grid brings both individual and societal benefits and reduces costs at all levels.

Smart connection with the electric grid brings numerous benefits, both at the individual and societal levels, and contributes to reducing costs for households, businesses, and the entire society. This technology enables users to become active participants in the energy system.


Financial Benefits

More electricity at a reduced price or even for free

Grid balancing and financial benefits: Smart meters enable users to actively participate in grid balancing processes in the country. Grid balancing means that users can consume more electricity at a reduced price or even for free during periods of surplus electricity production (e.g., sunny or windy weather). This not only contributes to better utilization of renewable energy sources but also allows users to save on electricity costs.

Option to Connect Larger Appliances

Heat pumps or electric heaters

Option to connect larger appliances: With the ability to control and adjust electricity consumption in real-time, smart meters enable users to connect larger appliances, such as heat pumps or electric heaters, during times when electricity is cheaper or even free. This not only increases home comfort but also optimizes costs and energy usage.

Smart Meter

Smart grid

Real-time consumption tracking: Smart meters are connected to mobile applications that allow users to monitor their electricity consumption live. This feature enables better understanding of energy needs, assistance in finding ways to reduce consumption and related costs, and promotes responsible and sustainable energy use.

The "Smart box" device, which serves for smart connection to the electric grid, often referred to as a smart meter, brings several key benefits for users and the entire energy system. These devices are part of a broader infrastructure called smart grids, which enable more efficient, sustainable, and reliable distribution of electricity.

Electricity Storage Systems

Reduction in electricity grid costs and fees

"SG Connect" and energy storage: Offer users an exceptional opportunity to reduce costs associated with grid fees and connection power by limiting their maximum power consumption from the grid and adjusting it according to current needs. This flexibility in consumption allows reduction in electricity grid usage costs - grid fees, significantly.

Such adjustments mean that users can choose a lower connection power, reducing costs determined based on the highest recorded power consumption in a given billing period. By reducing their maximum power consumption from the grid, not only do they lower their grid usage costs, but also contribute to reducing the load on the electricity grid.

Surplus Transfer

Transferring surpluses within one's group

Creating virtual groups and sharing surplus energy: Smart meters enable users in Slovenia to go beyond individual consumption optimization and participation in energy balancing. With them, they can form virtual groups or energy communities that share surplus electricity production among themselves. This is especially useful for households or businesses that generate their electricity using solar panels or other renewable sources. Surplus energy not needed at certain times can be transferred to other metering points within their group, such as friends, relatives, or local communities that may be in greater need of energy.

Dynamic Pricing

Price optimization

Dynamic pricing and direct participation in the electricity market: Smart meters not only allow users to monitor and optimize their energy consumption but also provide access to dynamic electricity prices. This means that the price of electricity can change in real-time or in individual hourly blocks, depending on supply and demand in the market. Users can thus take advantage of periods with lower prices to reduce their costs or, in the case of self-generation, sell electricity at higher prices when demand is higher.

In addition, smart meters enable users to directly participate in the electricity market, which also includes interaction with energy storage systems. Energy storage systems are crucial for efficient management of renewable energy sources, as they allow surplus energy to be stored for later use during periods of higher demand or when renewable energy production is insufficient. With smart meters, users can optimize the use of their storage systems by storing energy when it is cheap and consuming or selling it when prices are higher.

This direct participation in the electricity market not only brings financial benefits to individual users but also contributes to the stability and efficiency of the entire energy system. By increasing the number of active participants in the market who responsively manage their consumption and production, the need for traditional fossil fuel sources decreases, and the role of renewable sources and energy storage technologies increases. Smart meters thus play a crucial role in transitioning to a cleaner, more sustainable, and decentralized energy system.

This model not only increases the efficiency of locally produced electricity but also promotes solidarity and collaboration among users. Communities operating in this manner can reduce their dependence on centralized electricity supply, lower energy costs for all community members, and contribute to greater energy self-sufficiency and sustainability. Moreover, this approach encourages the expansion of renewable energy sources, as groups can more easily invest in joint energy production projects, such as shared solar parks or wind turbines, knowing they can optimize the distribution and use of produced energy among their members.